Grand Performances
Grand Performances
Grand Performances (GP) is South California's largest presenter of free performing arts programs and a landmark nonprofit arts institution established with a primary focus of bringing together diverse audiences within the City of Los Angeles. Concerts are held during the summer from June through September with at least one performance per weekend, usually more.
Grand Performances
Grand Performances
The California Plaza "Watercourt", home to Grand Performances, is located amid major high-rise buildings and consists of a group of outdoor performance stages and seating areas woven into an urban garden in downtown Los Angeles. Many types of daytime and evening public performances are given here, and seating and stage areas can be converted into water pools and features between events. Seats up to 5,000 people. The goal of Grand Perfrormance is to give a unique experience, from bombastic and grand to intimate and thought-provoking.
Grand Performances Map
Two events will be held at the California Watercourt: Sunday, August 2nd (evening) and Friday, August 7 (noon). The California Plaza "Watercourt" is located just south of MOCA on the same block and 3 minutes walking from The Colburn School.
Address: 350 S. Grand Ave | Los Angeles, CA 90071